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Sadly though, I've never watched many of Kelly's other films. I blame An American in Paris. I watched it right after Singin' and was primed to be in love with it but just didn't like it as much. I didn't like the lead actress and the ballet at the end seemed excessive and over long. True, there are many unnecessary dance sequences in Singin' (a trait I realize Kelly musicals just seem to have) but they always held my attention. An American in Paris just kind of bored me.
Because of that, I never got around to Kelly's other films really. At least ones he starred in. Hello, Dolly remains one of my favorite movies as well and his choreography is a major part of my love (Imagine my squeals the first time I saw the Wall-E trailer. They were fan-girlish). But his other major musicals? Never got around to them.
So a few weeks back, I was watching Singin' for the first time in a long time and thought maybe it was time to try out a new Kelly picture. Anchors Aweigh is the other seminal one that came to mind so I added it to my Netflix list, moved it up towards the top and then promptly forgot about it. In the middle of a Doctor Who craze, Anchors Aweigh showed up in my mailbox. In mourning for one companion and not ready to start the next season to get used to a new one, I thought it might be a good time to finally sit down and watch.
In many ways, it's not so different from Singin' in the Rain. A man about town and his sidekick in Hollywood get tangled up with an aspiring actress and hi-jinks follow. Include several unnecessary dance sequences and a few more songs then really fit the plot and there you go. I enjoyed the film overall; the dancing was superb and the dance sequence with Jerry that is so famous did not disappoint (Seriously though, Disney made a miscalculation there - Mickey would have made a much better dance partner). I particularly found the use of children in the film to be fun and interesting. The dance scene with Kelly and the young girl in front of the Mexican restaurant was one of my favorite scenes of the whole film, perhaps one of my favorite Kelly dances ever. However, I found Frank Sinatra a lackluster partner for Kelly. I missed the comic character and superior dancing of Donald O'Connor who made a much better foil for Kelly. Sinatra seemed to just be there to look handsome and croon some love songs.
Also, I found Kathryn Grayson to be rather dull and couldn't quite figure out why everyone loved her character so much. I like a more spunky heroine and she was just sort of pretty to look at with a great voice. But then again, that is really all the character called for so I guess I should blame the writers more than the actress. The film is entertaining but it wasn't fun if that makes any sense. I never laughed with glee at any line or moment or felt a real connection with any of the characters.
So apparently Singin' in the Rain will remain my favorite Kelly musical, and my favorite movie musical period. Nothing wrong with that at all.
Gasp, gasp, and gasp again! An American in Paris is one of my favorite Gene Kelly movies of all time, and I guess it's funny that we disagree on this one because one of my least favorite Gene Kelly movies is Singing in the Rain.
Overall it could be because of the supporting cast. Whereas I used to think Debbie Reynolds was cute, I loved Kathryn Grayson in everything she's ever done (have you seen Showboat?) and of course who couldn't love Leslie Caron as the French girl in An American In Paris? That 22 minute ballet sequence is one of my favorite moments in movie history, with Gershwin's music behind it; absolutely fantastic!
And no, I have to say I much prefer his dancing with Jerry Mouse than Mickey Mouse; you'd have had to have a young Mickey, which I'm not sure existed in that day, since the king was supposed to be a young boy, so to speak, and Jerry always comes across as much younger than Mickey; doesn't wear spats either. lol
Well, at least you watched it, but my soul is breaking.
I have never watched this movie but have seen the Kelly/Jerry dance scene.
Have you seen On the Town? I enjoy that one but it's no Singin' in the Rain. There's a reason why it's a classic.
Gah, Uncle Mitch. I think we are bound to disagree if you don't like Singin' in the Rain - I like something that is a little less serious when it comes to my movies ;-)
Dad - On the Town is next!
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