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It wasn't intentional to just stop writing. Things got in the way. What those things were escape me now. I tried to use Evernote to journal a bit but didn't stick to that either. I also wasn't cooking very much. Or apparently reading anything I felt so passionate about that I needed to share it. In many ways, 2014 apparently wasn't worth writing about for me. Let's start out 2015 (six days late) on a better note.
I need to cook more again. I am avoiding doing the analysis on my budget last year because I can guarantee my eating out spending was off the charts. What caused this? I'm not sure. A slightly demonic cat who gets into the way in the kitchen? A lack of good recipes to try? Complete and utter laziness...I'm actually voting the last one on this list. I have no excuse. This year's first goal, cook more! Even if it's not a new recipe, even if it's really just warming up something already in the cupboards. I need to curb the impulse to just stop at Panera on my way home.
I need to be better about sharing my reading. Looking back over my 2014 books read (GoodReads is an organizing loving book reader's dream), I didn't do much other than put stars on books. Did I really have nothing to say?! Again, laziness and a slight addiction to getting back to a Netflix binge after finishing a book. This year, I will take the time to reflect after I finish a book. Even if it's only two sentences worth! (See exhibit A, I finished The Palace Job on the plane rides back to Florida last week. It's a good read but I don't have tons to say just "A great caper read! I will admit some of the magic logic went over my head but it never took away from my enjoyment of the book. If you're looking for a fun ensemble led by one very cool kickass heroine, check this one out!")
I also have decided I need a more balanced reading diet. I am heavy on the fiction. Which isn't a bad thing but my to-read list, sub-group non-fiction, is getting longer every year and I rarely touch it. This year, my goal is one fiction book, one non-fiction book and so forth. I am currently reading The Yellow-Lighted Bookshop which starts me off nicely on this goal!
I also want to explore more. I got out a bit last year (I have partially finished blog posts to prove it) and explored around my neck of the woods more but I could share that better. I haven't even done Yelp reviews in forever. I like Tallahassee and it has some pretty neat places and things to do. I should let other people know about them! Added bonus, I would get off my couch since I want to read and cook, activity might be a good idea to add to the list...
Other than that, 2015 is a pretty blank year for me. I do turn 30 (the horrors!) so maybe other exciting things will come along. But mostly, I'd like do my nice cozy hobbies (cooking, reading, Netflix binging, protecting my bookshelves from a cat who thinks books are toys) and write about them again!
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